Timings : Monday to Saturay - 10 AM to 5 PM
1) P.I.: Dr. T. Lakshmi Prasad, Department of Earth Sciences, “Coastal and near shore sedimentary processes along Kakinada-Uppada coast, East-coast of India” Period of the Project: 2007-10 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST and Total Project Outlay: Rs.14,34,000/-.
2) P.I: Prof. P. S.Shavalli Khan, Department of Botany, “Biodiesel production from Hydrocarbon yielding Plants” Period of the Project: 2008-11 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST and Total Project Outlay: Rs.22,00,000/-.
3) P.I: Prof. K. Krishna Reddy, Department of Physics, “Theoretical, Experimental and Modeling activities of "Semi-arid-zonal Atmospheric Research Centre (SARC)" Period of the Project:2008-11 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: ISRO and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 90,00,000/-
4) P.I: Dr. A. Dinakar Rao, Department of Biochemistry, “Molecular Cloning, Characterization and functional analysis of Lipoxygenase (LOX) gene from Horse gram (Dolichas biflonas) germinating seedling” Period of the Project: 2009-12 (3 years), Sponsoring Agency : DST and Total Project Outlay: Rs.11,00,000/-
5) P.I: Dr. P. Chandra Obul Reddy, Department of Botany, “Development of Sunflower (Belianthus annuus L.) Transgenics carrying H-D-START and DREBIF transcription factors for improved a biotic stress tolerance” Period of the Project: 2009-12 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: CSIR and Total Project Outlay: Rs.20,00,000/-
6) P.I: Dr. P. Chandra Obul Reddy, Department of Botany, “Phytoremediation of Uranium enriched soils: Molecular, Biochemical and Transgenic approach” Period of the Project: 2009-12 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DBT and Total Project Outlay:: Rs.25,00,000/-
7) P.I: Dr. P. Chandra Obul Reddy, Department of Botany, “Development of Groundnut (Arachis Hypogea,L.) transgenics carrying HD-START transcription factor for improved drought stress tolerance” Period of the Project: 2009-12 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST and Total Project Outlay: Rs.26,60,000/-
8) P.I: Dr. A. Dinakar Rao transferred to Dr. P. Ramachandra Reddy and Co-PI: Dr. L. Veeranjaneya Reddy, Department of Biochemistry & Microbiology, “Isolation of Molecular Characterization of Lipoxygenase (LOX) Genea(s) from Finger Millet (Eleuocene Coracona)” Period of the Project: 2009-12 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DBT and Total Project Outlay: Rs.28,90,000/-
9) P.I: Dr. A. Chandrsekhar, Department of Biotechnology, “Molecular Mapping of Tobacco streak Virus resistant Gene in sunflower” Period of the Project: 2009-12 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: Vibha Agrotech Pvt., Ltd., and Total Project Outlay: Rs.5,00,000/-
10) P.I: Dr. V. Sunitha, Department of Geology, “Geochemistry and Health impact of Fluoride in Ground water in parts of Anantapur District, A.P” Period of the Project: 2009-12 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST (Fast Track) and Total Project Outlay: Rs.12,00,000/-
11) P.I: Prof. K. Krishna Reddy, Department of Physics, “Severe Thunderstorm – Observational and regional modeling over North Eastern India” Period of the Project: 2009-12 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: MoES and Total Project Outlay: Rs.30,00,000/-
12) P.I: Prof. K. Krishna Reddy, Department of Physics, “Operation and Maintenance of Village Information System” Period of the Project: 2009-12 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: APCOST and Total Project Outlay: Rs.34,00,000/-
13) P.I: Dr. P. Ramachandra Reddy, Department of Biochemistry, “Is Mthylfarnesoate really regulates reproduction in Crab?” Period of the Project: 2010-13 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST (Fast Track) and Total Project Outlay: Rs.17,00,000/-
14) P.I: Dr. L. Veeranjaneya Reddy, Department of Microbiology, “Biotechnological production of Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol from Agricultural waste using clostribiam Solventogenic bacteria” Period of the Project: 2010-13 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST (Fast Track) and Total Project Outlay: Rs.20,00,000/-
15) P.I: Prof. Y. Nazeer Ahammad, Department of Physics, ISRO-GBP:ARFI-YVU Network Project “Radiative forcing due to regional atmospheric aerosols at Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh” Sanctioned in the year 2010-11 and continuing till date, Sponsoring Agency: ISRO and Total Project Outlay till date: Rs.1,20,00,000/-
16) P.I: Dr. N.V. Rami Reddy, Department of Zoology, “Role of Nitrated Fatty acids in lung Fibrosis” Period of the Project: 2010-13 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: Virchow Biotech, Hyderabad and Total Project Outlay: Rs.5,00,000/-
17) P.I: Dr. K.S.V. Krishna Rao, Department of Chemistry, “Synthesis and characterization of biodegradable polymer based nanocarriers for controlled release applications” Period of the Project: 2010-13 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST (Fast Track) and Total Project Outlay: Rs.13,30,000/-
18) P.I: Dr. N.C. Gangi Reddy, Department of Chemistry, “Synthesis, Characterization and DNA binding and cleavage activities of novel macro cyclic hetero organo transition metal complexes” Period of the Project: 2010-13 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: CSIR and Total Project Outlay: Rs.15,50,000/-
19) P.I: Prof. A.G. Damu, Department of Chemistry, “Search for novel class of potent and selective plant natural products based inhibitors of Hormone Sensitive Lipase (HSL), an enzyme of potential importance in the treatment of Diabetes” Period of the Project: 2010-13 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST and Total Project Outlay: Rs.18,38,000/-
20) P.I: Dr. P. Vasu Govardhana Reddy, Department of Chemistry, “New chiral organo phosphorous Catalysts in asymmetric synthesis” Period of the Project: 2010-13 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST (Fast Track) and Total Project Outlay: Rs.15,25,000/-
21) P.I: Dr. Y.P. Venkata Subbaiah, Department of Physics, “Development of Low Cost and Environmentally Genuine Absorbing Material for thin film hetero junction solar cells” Period of the Project: 2010-13 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST (Fast Track) and Total Project Outlay: Rs.20,00,000/-
22) P.I: Dr. P. Osman Basha, Department of Genetics & Genomics, “Genetic, Biochemical and Molecular characterization of Orange Ripening (Orr2) mutant in Solanum lycopersicum” Period of the Project: 2010-13 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs.12,40,000/-
23) P.I: Dr. P. Osman Basha, Department of Genetics & Genomics, “Generation of Point and Deletion Mutagenized Population of Tomato (cv. Arka Vikas) and Molecular Characterization of Mutants” Period of the Project: 2010-13 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST and Total Project Outlay: Rs.24,00,000/-
24) P.I: Dr. P. Osman Basha, Department of Genetics & Genomics, “Generation of Insertional Mutants in Solanum lycopersicum through T-DNA Tagging for Functional Genomics and Biotechnological Applications” Period of the Project: 2011-14 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: CSIR and Total Project Outlay: Rs.25,00,000/-
25) P.I: Prof. P.S. Shavalli Khan, Department of Botany, “Biotechnological invention for the production of androgenic haploids to speed and support breeding of ginger” Period of the Project: 2011-14 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DBT and Total Project Outlay: Rs.23,08,000/-
26) P.I: Dr. V. Varja, Department of History & Archaeology, “National Mission on monument and Antiquates - Documentation on Kadapa districts” Period of the Project: 2011-14 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: National Mission on Monument and Antiquates, New Delhi and Total Project Outlay: Rs.2,00,000/-
27) P.I: Prof. M.V. Shankar, Department of Materials Science & Nano-technology, “Development of semi-conductor nanocomposites for Photocatalytic water splitting into Hydrogen and Oxygen under Solar light irradiation” Period of the Project: 2011-14 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: MNRE and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 36,39,591/-
28) P.I: Dr. B. Vijaya Kumar Naidu, Department of Materials Science & Nano-technology, “Hydrophilic-Hydrophobic based Polymeric Membranes for Pervapo-ration Separation Applications” Period of the Project: 2011-14 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST (Fast track) and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 17,64,000/-
29) P.I: Dr. V. Venkataramu, Department of Physics, “Optimization of structural and Luminescence properties of Ln3+-Yb+3 doped Lu3Ga5O12 nano-crytaline Garnets for the development of light emitting devices” Period of the Project: 2011-14 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DAE-BRNS and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 14,90,000/-
30) P.I: Dr. N.V. Rami Reddy, Department of Zoology, “Identification of novel Endogenous Ligands for PPAR γ in Adipogensis” Period of the Project: 2011-14 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: CSIR and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 17,00,000/-
31) P.I: Dr. N.V. Rami Reddy, Department of Zoology, “Role of Farnesoid X receptor in Airway inflammation and remodeling” Period of the Project: 2011-14 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DBT and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 37,00,000/-
32) Co-P.I: Dr. E. Madhuri, Department of Zoology, “Microtoxins control in Aqua culture and its productis by combination apporach” Period of the Project: 2011-14 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DBT and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 38,58,000/-
33) P.I: Dr. S.P. Venkata Ramana, Department of Zoology, “Captive breeding and conservation management of endangered Butterflies in the hilly regions of Southern Andhra Pradesh” Period of the Project: 2011-14 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: CSIR and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 14,00,000/-
34) P.I: Dr. K.S.V. Krishna Rao, Department of Chemistry, “Identification, isolation and separation of rare-earth and trace elements from uranium bearing quartzite and other geological samples” Period of the Project: 2011-14 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DAE-BRNS and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 28,45,750/-
35) P.I: Dr. K.S.V. Krishna Rao, Department of Chemistry, “Novel Duel Responsive Micro/Nano Hydrogels from Carbohydrate polymers: Synthesis, Development and in vitro Anti-Cancer Drug delivery Studies” Period of the Project: 2011-14 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 6,35,000/-
36) P.I: Dr. V. Ramakrishna, Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, “Investigation of neuroprotective agents from Ficusreligiosa extracts against oxidative stress induced DNA damage and repair mechanisms in neuroblastoma cells” Period of the Project: 2011-14 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 33,33,000/-
37) P.I: Dr. K.S.V. Krishna Rao, Department of Chemistry, “Synthesis and characterization of stimute-responsive interpenetrating polymer network membranes for selective separation of toxic metal ions” Period of the Project: 2011-14 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DAE-BRNS and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 28,00,000/-
38) P.I: Dr. N.V. Rami Reddy, Department of Zoology, “Role of Nitrated Fatty acids in Immunosepression” Period of the Project: 2012-15 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST (Fast Track) and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 18,00,000/-
39) P.I: Prof. A. Ramachandra Reddy, Vice-Chancellor, “Agri Science Park” Period of the Project: 2012-15 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: Ministry of Industry and Commerce and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 2,50,00,000/-
40) P.I: Dr. L. Dakshayani, Department of Genetics & Genomics, “Cross-talk between plasmacytoid dendritic cells and regulatory T cells in ovarian cancer using mouse model” Period of the Project: 2012-15 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: CSIR and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 22,00,000/-
41) P.I: Dr. L. Dakshayani, Department of Genetics & Genomics, “Molecular mechanism involved in the development of skin gamma delata T cells” Period of the Project: 2012-15 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 21,55,000/-
42) P.I: Dr. D. Vijaya Lakshmi (PI)& Prof. D. Vijaya Raghava Prasad (Co-PI) , Department of Microbiology, “Microbial consortia for effective decolorisation and degradation of Anthraquinone dyes” Period of the Project: 2012-15 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DBT and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 32,21,600/-
43) P.I: Prof. P.S. Shavalli Khan, Department of Botany, “Proteomic analysis of drought stress tolerance in finger millet (Eleusina corcana L)” Period of the Project: 2012-15 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 11,19,800/-
44) P.I: Dr. Thummala Chandrasekhar, Department of Environmental Science, “Production of transgenic groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) carrying Arabidopsis phytochrome A and B for the enhancement of yield” Period of the Project: 2012-15 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: CSIR and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 17,72,000/-
45) P.I: Dr. P. Ramachandra Reddy, Department of Biochemistry, “Isolation and molecular characterization of molt-inhibiting hormone (MIH) gene(s) from the eyestalks of freshwater crab Oziotelphusa senex senex. 2012-2015” Period of the Project: 2012-15 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 11,80,800/-
46) P.I: Dr. N.C. Gangi Reddy, Department of Chemistry, “Design, synthesis and characterization of novel extractants for the selective extraction of heavy metals in environment” Period of the Project: 2012-15 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DAE-BRNSand Total Project Outlay: Rs. 24,50,000/-
47) P.I: Dr. M. Madakka, Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, “Zinc-Microbe interactions in the sediments of contaminated Tungabhadra river by industrial effuents in Kurnool District” Period of the Project: 2012-15 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 19,95,000/-
48) P.I: Dr. M. Raghavender, Department of Physics, “Fabrication of low cost nano crystalline TiO2 based dye sensitized Solar cells” Period of the Project: 2012-15 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 21,33,000/-
49) P.I: Dr. L. Subramanyam Sharma, Department of Chemistry, “Development of Graphene-supported Core-Shell Structured Bimetallic Nanocomposites for Fuel Cell Reactions” Period of the Project: 2013-16 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 40,35,000/-
50) P.I: Dr. C. Madhava Reddy, Department of Biotechnology & Bioinformatics, “Molecular mechanisms of DNA imtersrand crosslinks recogniton and processing by mismatich repair proteins in mamalian cells” Period of the Project: 2013-16 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 10,52,000/-
51) P.I: Prof. A.G. Damu, Department of Chemistry, “Development of Novel Phytochemical Inhibitors of a- and b-Glucosidases: The Powerful Therapeutic Targets of Many Human Threatening Diseases” Period of the Project: 2013-16 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST - SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 12,00,000/- .
52) P.I: Dr. A. Muni Kumari, Department of Genetics & Genomics, “Significance of LCD resistenace to foxtail millet to fungal infections” Period of the Project: 2013-16 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST - SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 23,00,000/-.
53) P.I: Dr. D. Vijaya Lakshmi (PI) & Prof.D.Vijaya Raghava Prasad (Co-PI) , Department of Microbiology, “Detection and evaluation of Candida spp in oral infection of diabetic subjects by molecular genetic methods” Period of the Project: 2013-16 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 11,60,800/-.
54) P.I: Dr. K. Raghu Babu, Department of Geology & Geoinformatics, “Mapping of Natural Resources of Kadapa district using LANDSAT ETM+ image” Period of the Project: 2013-16 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 11,20,000/-.
55) P.I: Dr. S.P. Venkata Ramana, Department of Zoology, “Biodiversity of insect fauna A major survey in the Eastern Ghats of Southern Andhra Pradesh” Period of the Project: 2013-16 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 8,06,300/-
56) P.I: Dr. S. Nazaneen Parveen, Department of Environmental Science, “Reproductive biology of Croton scabiosus bedd, an endemic tree of Kadapa District, A.P” Period of the Project: 2013-16 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 8,50,800/- .
57) P.I: Dr. B. Vijaya Kumar Naidu, Department of Materials Science & Nao-Technology, “Nanostructured TiO2 Incorporated Polymer Nanocomposite Membranes for Pervaporation Separation Applications” Period of the Project: 2013-16 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 5,50,356/-
58) P.I: Dr. K. Riazunnisa, Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, “Screening and identification of drought tolerant cultivar of onion (Allium cepaL.) in Kadapa district for varietal development” Period of the Project: 2013-16 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST - SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 24,80,000/-
59) P.I: Dr. P. Vasu Govardhana Reddy, Department of Chemistry, “Synthesis of bio-active N,O and P-heterocyclics” Period of the Project: 2013-16 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DAE - BRNS and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 23,74,638/-
60) P.I: Dr. S. Adinarayana Reddy, Department of Materials Science & Nano Technology, “Development of Nano-adsorbents for the removal of heavy metal ions from waste water streams” Period of the Project: 2013-16 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 8,53,800/-
61) P.I: Dr. G. Vijaya Bharathi, Department of Commerce, “Exuberence of women in economic escalation through EEE - A case study in Rayalaseema region, Andhra pradesh, India” Period of the Project: 2013-16 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 7,51,857/-
62) P.I: Dr. Anu Prasanna Vankara, Department of Zoology, “Studies on parasite-fauna of elasmobranchs off Nellore coast, Bay of Bengal with special reference to ecological aspects” Period of the Project: 2013-16 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: CSIR and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 16,12,509/-
63) P.I: Dr. S. Sumithraa, Department of Environmental Science, “Evaluation of phytoremediation potential of native plant species for Strontium, Cadmuim and mercury contaminated soils” Period of the Project: 2014-17 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC-MRP and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 11,71,800/-
64) P.I: Dr. M. Sridhar Reddy, Department of Environmental Science, “Assessment of population structure, phenology and natural regneration of Peterocarpus santalinus endemic endangered and exploited tree species of South Eastern Ghats” Period of the Project: 2014-17 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: MOEF&CC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 17,16,000/-
65) P.I: Dr. K.S.V. Krishna Rao, Department of Chemistry, “Design and Synthesis of IPN based Polymer Electrolyte Membranes Embedded with Nano-Additives for Fuel Cell Applications” Period of the Project: 2014-17 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: ISRO and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 22,75,000/-
66) P.I: Dr. K. Venkateswarlu, Department of Chemistry, “Stereoselective Synthesis of Dafachronic Acids and Cholestenoic Acids, the Potential Ligands for the DAF-12 Nuclear Receptor in Caenorhabditis elegans” Period of the Project: 2014-17 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: CSIR and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 29,40,000/-
67) P.I: Dr. K. Venkateswarlu, Department of Chemistry, “Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Benzofuran-2-one Derivatives” Period of the Project: 2014-17 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST - SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 23,00,000/-
68) P.I: Dr. M. Mallikarjuna Reddy, Department of Fine Arts & Perofming Arts, “Rayalaseema Natakamu – Chartraka Adhyayanamu” Period of the Project: 2015-18 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC-MRP and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 9,65,800/-
69) P.I: Dr. Y. Subbarayudu, Department of Business Management, “Employability skills of Techno-Management students and industry requirements - A analysis with special focus on SC and ST students in A.P” Period of the Project: 2015-18 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 6,96,000/-
70) P.I: Dr. M. Mamatha Kumari, Department of Materials Science & Nano Technology, “Synthesis, Characterization and photocatalytic efficacy of Carbon nanotube-TiO2 nanohybrid for enhanced hydrogen production under solar irradiation” Period of the Project: 2015-18 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 13,85,000/-
71) P.I: Dr. V. Ramabrahmam, Department of History & Archaeology, “Rock Arts in Rayalaseema region of A.P” Period of the Project: 2015-18 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC-MRP and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 10,79,400/-
72) P.I: Dr. T. Sudarsana Reddy, Department of Economics, “A Study on Access, Equity, Costs, Quality and Efficiency of School Education under Public and Private Managements in Andhra Pradesh” Period of the Project: 2015-18 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 6,79,000/-
73) P.I: Dr. S. Srinivas Gowd, Department of Geology, “UGC Major Research Project” Period of the Project: 2015-18 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 10,79,400/-
74) P.I: Dr. P. Vasu Govardhana Reddy, Department of Chemistry, “New chiral N-heterocyclic carbenes: Synthesis and applications in asymmetric synthesis” Period of the Project: 2016-19 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: CSIR and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 15,93,775/-
75) P.I: Prof. M.V. Shankar, Department of Materials Science & Nano – Technology, “Hierarchical Composite Nanostructure Photocatalysts for Efficient Water Splitting under Solar Light Irradiation” Period of the Project: 2016-19 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: MNRE and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 36,39,591/-
76) P.I: Prof. P.S. Shavalli Khan, Department of Botany, “Gametic embryogenesis in popular and commercial cultivator of Mango” Period of the Project: 2016-19 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 26,39,257/-
77) P.I: Dr. M. Raghavender, Department of Physics, “Fabrication of cost effective dye sensitized solar cells with platinum .free counter electrode and bi-functional upconversion photo electrodes” Period of the Project: 2017-20 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 29,43,000/-.
78) P.I: Dr. A. Madhusudhana Reddy, Department of Botany, “Ex situ Conservation and Propagation of Threatened and Endemic Plants of Eastern Ghats of India” Period of the Project: 2017-20 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: MoEF & CC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 88,13,640/-.
79) P.I: Dr. M. Mamatha Kumari, Department of Materials Science & Nano-Technology,“ Nano-Ferrites/Tungstites and Carbon Nanotubes Composites for Efficient Hydrogen Production by Solar Water Splitting” Period of the Project: 2017-20 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DRDO-NRB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 17,35,925/-.
80) P.I: Dr. N. Venkata Rami Reddy, Department of Zoology,“ Nitrated-Fatty Acids as Anti-oxidant and Antiinflammatory Therapy for Acute Lung Injury” Period of the Project: 2018-21 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 53,92,000/-.
81) P.I: Prof. A.G. Damu, Department of Chemistry, “Development of novel multifunctional quinazolinone and cyanoacetamide based heterocyclics with Cholinesterase Inhibition, anti-Ab-amyloid Aggregation, Antioxidant and Neuroprotective properties as innovative drugs for Alzheimer's disease” Period of the Project: 2018-21 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 41,61,000/-.
82) P.I: Dr. Madhava C Reddy & Dr. L. Dakshayani, Department of Biotechnology & Bioinformatics and Genetics & Genomics, “Molecular signaling during thymus involution and its application for the prevention of age associated diseases and cancer” Period of the Project: 2018-21 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 42,17,000/-.
83) P.I: Dr. S. Sumithra, Department of Environmental Science, “Adsorptive removal of copper and zinc in contaminated water near mining areas” Period of the Project: 2019-22 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 42,34,900/-.
84) P.I: Dr. A. Chandra Sekhar & Dr. Puli Chandra Obul Reddy, Department of Biotechnology, “Physiological and Molecular Basis of Drought Tolerance in Landraces of Foxtail Millet (Setaria italic L.): Mapping Population Development, Evaluation and QTL Identification” Period of the Project: 2019-22 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 51,88,832/-.
85) P.I: Dr. M. Mamatha Kumari, Department of Materials Science & Nano-Technology, “A new archetype for development of Flexible Nano Hybrid Supercapacitor for large scale electric energy storage with high performance” Period of the Project: 2019-22 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 41,84,796/-.
86) P.I: Dr. A. Madhusudhana Reddy, Department of Botany, “Propagation of medicinal plants through nodal nursery at Yogi Vemana University Botanical garden” Period of the Project: 2020-23 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: NMPB Ministry of AYUSH, GOI, New Delhi and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 25,00,000/-.
87) P.I: Dr. M. Mamatha Kumari, Department of Materials Science & Nano-Technology, “Sophisticated flexible super capacitor for high energy storage applications based on nanaometrials” Period of the Project: 2020-23 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SEED and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 44,07,868/-.
88) P.I: Dr. K. Lalitha, Department of Psychology, “Assessment of cognitive status in the community-dwelling older people: role of psychological intervention” Period of the Project: 2020-23 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: ICMR and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 16,14,936/-.
89) P.I: Dr. V. Suneetha, Department of Geology, Co-P.I: Dr. L. Dakshayani, “Bioremediation of Heavy metals through Geomicrobes from soil and ground water: A case study around Thummalapalli Uranium mining area; Kadapa, A. P” Period of the Project: 2022 – 2025 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 26,87,162/-.
90. P.I. Dr. M. Mamatha Kumari, Department of Material Science & Nanotechnology, Co-PI: Prof. M. V. Shankar, “Mini-Pilot scale demonstration of photocatalytic hydrogen production under solar light irradiation” Project No: NRB-516/MAT/23-24, Period of Project: 2023-2026 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: NRB-DRD and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 44,45,100/-.
91. P.I. Dr. M. Mamatha Kumari, Department of Material Science & Nanotechnology, Co-PI: Prof. M. V. Shankar, “Metal oxynitride perovskites/tungstates: Interface Engineering of the Z-scheme photocatalysts for enhanced H2 production under solar irradiation” Project No: SUR/2022/005596, Period of Project: 2023-2026 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 29,00,920/-.
92. P.I. Prof. N. C. Gangi Reddy, Department of Chemistry, “Design and Development of novel donor-acceptor type thiazole-based semiconductor materials for optoelectronic applications” Project No: SUR/2022/000967, Period of Project: 2023-2026 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 29,55,830/-.
93. P.I. Dr. C. Madhava Reddy, Department of Biotechnology & Bioinformatics, “Investigating the role of dendritic epidermal gamma delta T-cells and Titanium dioxide nanotubes conjugated to Quercetin in diabetic would healing process”. Project No: SUR/2022/002186, Period of Project: 2023-2026 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 29,00,000/-.
94. P.I. Dr. N. Venkata Rami Reddy, Department of Zoology, “Therapeutic Role of Licarin A and Licarin B Isolated from Myristica Fragrans Mace in Airway Inflammation and Remodeling”. Project No: 37/1758/23/EMR-II, Period of Project: 2023-2026 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: CSIR and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 16,00,000/-.
95. P.I. Dr. A. Madhusudhana Reddy, Department of Botany, “Pilot project on cultivation and commercialization of Gloriosa superb L. for the benefit of farmers in the state of Andhra Pradesh”. Project No: 1266/APSBB/Gloriosa superb Project/YVU/Kadapa/2023, Period of Project: 2024-2028 (5 Years), Sponsoring Agency: Andhra Pradesh State Biodiversity Board (APSBB) and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 43,27,000/-.
Funded Projects
Funded Worth (In Rs-Crore)
Successfully Completed Projects
Principal Investigators
Stay tuned for the vacant positions in various projects.
I am indebted to the faculty of the University, who inculcated scientific temper and research aptitude and I think YVU is a happening place for qualitative research.
The academic ambience and infrastructure of the University are the hallmarks, I consider myself to be lucky to be here and I foresee a bright future in pursuit of Science.
Yogi Vemana University is certainly a hub for meaningful research activities. Research in social sciences here bears contemporary relevance and addresses societal problems.
Yogi Vemana University installed faith in me to explore new avenues in liberal arts which mates us more humane and civilized.