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Agri-Science Park Instrumentation Facility


Agri-Science Park Instrumentation Facility


A state of the art developed by incusing a mammoth expenditure of Rs.5 crores. The facility will be utilized for the on-going re-search projects. The university proposes to equip the park with incubator.


Transgenic Plant Growth facility for growing transgenic plants by various research methods is provided to the Department of Bio-technology and other Life Science faculties. The Agri-Science Park was sanctioned by Industries and Commerce (BT) Department, A.P. Secretariat, Hyderabad to Prof. Arjula Ramachandra Reddy, Vice-Chancellor, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa. It was inaugurated on 16 October 2009.



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The Agri-Science Park is having equipped labs, incubator facilities, Green houses, transgenic plant house, technical and services tools to conduct research, field trials and generate products or sales under one roof. The Agri-Science Park aim is to assist Public/Private sectors and farmers in identifying biotech needs and priorities and assessing potential socio economic impacts.


Provide advice and services to assist in the development of an enabling environment to support the safe applications of crop biotechnology. Yogi Vemana University established technologies and systems for the sustainable growth of overall agriculture research & development for the farming infrastructure. Fostering and educating farmers of next generation based on the program of advanced agriculture technologies and management. The laboratories are established with sophisticated modern equipments. This is an integrated project, involving 14 members from various Departments of Yogi Vemana University as Co-Investigators who have undertaken research work in this project. The following are the list of equipments available in Agri Science Park:

S.No Name of the Instrument Wattage / Volts / Capacity No. of hours
01 Gel Documentation with PC Aunki, Libert UPS Servo st 300 V 1 hr
02 Eppendorf master cycler pro (PCR) 200 – 240V vapoproect 5 hrs
03 PCR Systems with gradient palm cycler 240V carbet UPS 5 hrs
04 Real time PCR 240/250V 4 hrs
05 UV Spectra photo meter 220-240V 5 hrs
06 Ultra freezer (-86°c) 230/240V Over night
07 Pharmaceutical Refrigerator (-4°C) 240/250V Over night
08 Ice maker 230/240V Over night
09 Water purification systems 200-240V 6 hrs
10 Stainless steel water baths (2) 230V 6 hrs
11 Refrigerator circulation water bath 220-230V 4 hrs
12 Orbital shakers (pelican) (2) 170-270V V Guard ST 4 hrs
13 Multiparter 220/230V Over night
14 Vertical Laminar Air Flow 220/230V 2 hrs
15 Horizontal Laminar Air Flow (2)? 220/230V 4 hrs
16 Centrifuge 5424 Model 230V 4 hrs
17 Centrifuge 5415 Model 230V 4 hrs
18 Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810 R Model 230V 4 hrs

Students Access


Staff Access


Research Support


Modern Facilities


Related Facilities


What they say?


I am indebted to the faculty of the University, who inculcated scientific temper and research aptitude and I think YVU is a happening place for qualitative research.

Anand Kumar
Ph.D. in Biotechnology

The academic ambience and infrastructure of the University are the hallmarks, I consider myself to be lucky to be here and I foresee a bright future in pursuit of Science.

Shaik Fasiha Begam
M.Sc. in Physics

Yogi Vemana University is certainly a hub for meaningful research activities. Research in social sciences here bears contemporary relevance and addresses societal problems.

Varikunta Sailaja
Ph.D. in English

Yogi Vemana University installed faith in me to explore new avenues in liberal arts which mates us more humane and civilized.

Karanam Saiteja