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Political Science & Public Administration

Political Science & Public Administration

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Year of Establishment


About the Department

The Department of Political Science and Public Administration is one of significant oldest departments established at the erstwhile PG Centre Kadapa affiliated to SV University, Andhra Pradesh in November 1977. This centre had produced more than 30 MPhil and 13 PhDs. This PG Center was merged with YogiVemana University in the year 2005. However the department was located in New Arts Building in Yogivemana University.Kadapa, YSR District in Andhra Pradesh.
Presently, our department consists of four regular Associate Professors and three Academic Consultants in the department. Recently Dr.S.Goverdhana Naidu, Associate Professor joined in 2005 as Assistant Professor and superannuated as Associate Professor on 30-04-2022.
The department stood for teaching reputation, academic research and extension activities commitment to equity, inclusiveness, and social Justice. We also uphold the seventeen international commitments to socio, economic, cultural and political sustainable development in research and extension activities.
The vision of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration always believe in universal awakening of socio, economic, cultural and political empowerment of student communities. We also ensure the research impacts in connecting with political spectrum of ethics and civic inclusion. The vision embedded to promote Happiness, Welfare, and Peace. Our mission is dedicated to educate students in promoting knowledge solutions to all the fears of citizens in the process of observing the new knowledge of political values, ideas, requirements and goals.
Till now from the establishment of the University we have awarded three PhD scholars. We have two programmes including an M.A. and PhD programmes aim to provide students with innovation, discovery and imagination as a new vision and mission. The department intake of the PG Students per year in 2022 were 30 seats in the MA programme, as many as 100 candidates opted to this department, through written test conducted by APPGCET Andhra Pradesh.

Vision and Mission

The vision of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration always believe in universal awakening of socio, economic, cultural and political empowerment of student communities. We also ensure the research impacts in connecting with political spectrum of ethics and civic inclusion. The vision embedded to promote Happiness, Welfare, and Peace. Our mission is dedicated to educate students in promoting knowledge solutions to all the fears of citizens in the process of observing the new knowledge of political values, ideas, requirements and goals.

Strength of Faculty –Faculty Fellowships

The Department of Political Science and Public Administration is one of the of the oldest departments established at the erstwhile SVUPG Centre Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh in November 1977, produced more than 30 MPhil’s and 13 PhDs. The PG Center was merged with Yogi Vemana University in the year 2005.
The department stood for teaching reputation, academic research and extension activities commitment to equity, inclusiveness, and social Justice. We also uphold the seventeen international commitments to socio, economic, cultural and political sustainable development in research and extension activities.
Presently, there are three regular Associate Professors and three Academic Consultants in the department. The faculty has attended more than 100 seminars, webinar, and conference and also organized 2 UGC National conferences, 5 National webinars, one National Workshop and one International Conference with the support of ICSSR; New Delhi The department had organized 10 Days Research Methodology Programme sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi. . The department regularly hosts guest speakers, organizing the mentor’s and student’s relation to promote harmonious behaviors.
As per new education policy guild lines, we have initiated various course titles Introduction to Public Administration, western Philosophy, Gender Studies, State Institutions, Rural Development and Governance, Public Policy, Good Governance, urban Governance, International Relations, Research Methodology, Politics in Andhra Pradesh, Ethics and Politics, Finance Management, Political Sociology, Political Thought of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Local Administration, Project Management, Office Management,MOOCS, etc.
In total we have 18 PhD scholars out of which 5 PhD Scholars were admitted through written test called APRSET this year. The alumni of the department were observed more the 45 students joined in Politics and in various central, State and Private sectors.

Research Areas

The core research areas of the Department include Comparative Politics, Political Thought, Indian Politics, E-Governance, Public Policy, Tribal Studies; International Politics, and Human Rights, Western Political Thought, Urban Governance, Local Governance, etc The Department members have been part of academic committees, policy bodies and life memberships in various Institutions.
The new curriculum syllabus programme emphasizes research skills and is intended to promote students for research. The PhD. programme aims to train students to tackle some of the most pressing concerns in social and political empowerment contemporary India and its relations with the outside world.Our curriculum covers almost all aspects of contemporary politics of universal awakening at national and international level. Till now from the establishment of the University we have awarded three PhD scholars. We have two programmes including an M.A. and PhD programmes aim to provide students with innovation, discovery and imagination as a new vision and mission.

Students Fellowships

The students of the Department have been recipients of the UGC JRF/NET/ SLET, ICSSR, Rajiv Gandhi, and other state fellowships like social welfare schemes like Jaganana vidyadevena, Jaganana vidyavasati. For example the intake of the PG Students per year in 2022 for 30 seats in the MA programme, as many as 100 candidates opted to this department, through written test conducted by APPGCET Andhra Pradesh.

Department Library

Since the department has completed its 45 years, we have maintained thousands of academic materials include 100 books including recent publications, journals like political Science Review. Indian Journal of Public Administration etc.

Research Papers

Our department had received four research Projects as of now ,funded by ICSSR which are connected to socially and politically relevant research projects and published 90 research papers in UGC care list and Peer Reviewed Journals with an impact factor of 7.149 and published 2 books which have enhanced the understanding of socio-political phenomena. The department faculty has also been invited as Consultants to Education Policies 2020, and other significant current issues and concerns which enlighten with comprehensive, dynamic applying knowledge and imaginations that is needed in the present world.

Department Extension Activities

The department encourages education tours, games, sports, cultural activities, essay competitions, Group discussions and also celebrates Constitution Day, Republic Day, and Equality Day every year on a themes relating to contemporary national and international events and also organizing competitive coaching for UPSC examinations.


The Department of Political Science & Public Administration is one of the oldest departments established at the erstwhile SVUPG Centre Kadapa, in November 1977. It is committed to achieve excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service.The department is offering Masters Degree in Political Science & Public Administration with an intake of 30 Students and Ph.D programme . So far 16 research scholars were awarded Doctorate and 32 research scholars were awarded M.Phil in Political Science & Public Administration. The department is engaged in continuous research activities, and has completed 2 Minor projects, organized two National Seminars and produced over 90 research papers. Besides teaching activity, the department organizes guest lectures, Workshops, Seminars and Educational Tours.
To meet the changing needs and requirements of the society and to widen the employment opportunities of the students the department has revised its syllabus in 2008 and made it more contemporary. The syllabus is being revised for every 2 years.
The alumni of the department were absorbed in to politics and into various Central, State and Private Organizations. To enhance the employability potential of the students the department initiated training in communication skills. Training the students for NET, Civil Services, Groups and other Competitive Exams is also undertaken.

Teaching & Learning Evaluation

The department at present teaches the new curriculum syllabus programme for MA four semesters programme initiated in 2020.The students are required to earn 24 credits per each semester. The department admitted PhD. programme aims to train students to tackle some of the most pressing concerns in social and political empowerment contemporary India and its relations with the outside world. Our curriculum covers almost all aspects of contemporary politics of universal awakening at national and international level.
The core research areas of the Department include Comparative Politics, Political Thought, Indian Politics, E-Governance, Public Policy, Tribal Studies; International Politics, and Human Rights, Western Political Thought, Urban Governance, Local Governance, etc The Department members have been part of academic committees, policy bodies and life memberships in various Institutions.
The department evaluates learning in 10 criteria’s: 1. Teaching 2. Reading 3.Listening 4.Writing.5.Participation.6.Examinations, 7.Daily Attendance 8.Performace in classes & Internal Examinations 9. Day to Day Assignments 10.Performance in End Semesters.
In total we have 18 PhD scholars out of which 5 PhD Scholars were admitted through written test called APRSET this year. The students of the Department have been recipients of the UGC JRF/NET/ SLET, ICSSR, Rajiv Gandhi, and other state fellowships like social welfare schemes like Jaganana Vidyadevena, Jaganana Vidyavasati.

Placements Received by the Students

The alumni of the department were observed more the 45 students joined in Politics and in various central, State and Private sectors. To mention few, Prof.S.M.Rahmatullah Former Vice Chancellor of SK University, Ananthpuram, Andhra Pradesh and -Vice Chancellor (i/c) of Maulana Azad Urdu University, Hyderabad, Telangana. 2. A.Mallikharjuna Reddy, APSRTC Chairman in Govt of Andhra Pradesh. 3. N.Svarama Reddy, Former Municipal Commissioner Badvel, YSR District Andhra Pradesh.

Seminars / Conference / Symposia / Workshops / Guest Lecturers Conducted

The faculty has attended more than 100 seminars, webinar, and conference and also organized 5 National conferences, 5 webinars, two UGC National Conference, and one International Conference with the support of ICSSR; New Delhi The department had organized 10 Days Research Methodology Programme sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi. . The department regularly hosts guest speakers, organizing the mentor’s and student’s relation to promote harmonious behaviors.

Community and Extension Activities

The department encourages education tours, games, sports, cultural activities, essay competitions, Group discussions and also celebrates Constitution Day, Republic Day, and Equality Day every year on a themes relating to contemporary national and international events and also organizing competitive coaching for UPSC examinations, Project Works, National Youth Parliament Programme, NSS Programme, Cultural Events, Seminars, conferences ,webinars, Blood Camps, Quiz Competitions. Apart from these activities university has provided students safety measures like Anti Ragging cell, women cell, SC/ST /Equality cell etc.

Future Plans / Activities

1. To strengthen students research project activities.
2. To increase research publication in UGC Care list, etc.
3. To improve ICT’s in teaching activities.
4. To promote Yoga activities.
5. To encourage for harmonious atmosphere in the campus.
6. To maintain Constitutional Morality.
7. To enhance extension activities.

Funded Projects
Dr. G. Parvathi

Head & Associate Professor
  • Vemanapuram

    Kadapa, Y.S.R Kadapa

    Andhra Pradesh, India

    Zip/Pin Code: 516005

  • +91 8562225419

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Programme Info

  • M.A 2 Years
  • PhD Full & Part Time
  • Faculty Regular 04
  • Academic Consultants 01
  • Awards 5+
  • Student Intake 33
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What they say?


I am indebted to the faculty of the University, who inculcated scientific temper and research aptitude and I think YVU is a happening place for qualitative research.

Anand Kumar
Ph.D. in Biotechnology

The academic ambience and infrastructure of the University are the hallmarks, I consider myself to be lucky to be here and I foresee a bright future in pursuit of Science.

Shaik Fasiha Begam
M.Sc. in Physics

Yogi Vemana University is certainly a hub for meaningful research activities. Research in social sciences here bears contemporary relevance and addresses societal problems.

Varikunta Sailaja
Ph.D. in English

Yogi Vemana University installed faith in me to explore new avenues in liberal arts which mates us more humane and civilized.

Karanam Saiteja