Timings : Monday to Saturay - 10 AM to 5 PM
Department of Physics has five (4) regular faculty members having rich research experience in India and abroad besides three (3) Academic Consultants with good teaching skills. In addition, one (1) technical assistant, one (1) Laboratory Assistants and 2 more office assistants are working in the department. The faculty of the Department has published around 390 articles in journals of international repute that includes 210 published from other countries and authored 5 books in their respective disciplines. Faculty has successfully guided 22 Ph.D. scholars and currently 8 research scholars are pursuing research in the department.
• Department of Physics is having financial support from Department of Science and Technology, Government of India under Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Higher Educational Institutions (FIST) programme with an outlay Rs.1.02 crore.
• Department of Physics faculty has successfully completed research projects funded by funding agencies such as DST / CSIR / MNRE / ISRO / MOES / BRNS / APCOST and considerable numbers of projects are under progress.
Department of Physics is having Collaborations / Memorandum of Understanding with the following.
1. Institution National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan.
Purpose: Academic / Research exchange.
2. Indian Space Research Organization, Bangalore.
Purpose: Technical support, Instrumentation and Research exchange.
3. Institution Chang Jung Christian University, Tainan.
Purpose: Computational facility and Research exchange.
4. Andhra Pradesh Council of Science and Technology (APCOST).
Purpose: Operation, Maintenance of Village Information Systems and Technical Support)
5. Andhra Pradesh State Remote Sensing Applications Centre (APSRAC), Hyderabad.
Purpose: Generation of Meteorological products, Validation and calibration of Automatic Weather Stations (AWS).
6. National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi.
Purpose: Research exchange.
7. Space Physics Laboratory, VSSC, Trivandrum.
Purpose: Research exchange.
8. Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad.
Purpose: Research collaboration.
9. Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
Purpose: Scientific and technological Cooperation.
Laboratory Facilities for the M.Sc. (Physics) Students
1. General Physics Laboratory.
2. Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory.
3. Electronics Laboratory.
4. Spectroscopy Laboratory.
5. Computer Laboratory.
6. Atmospheric Physics Laboratory.
Research Laboratories / Facilities
1. Super Computing facility.
2. Atmospheric Science Research Laboratory.
3. Solar Photovoltaics (PV) Laboratory.
4. Thin-Film Technology Laboratory.
5. Advanced Materials Research Laboratory.
6. Table-top X-ray diffractometer.
7. UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer.
The research facilities of the department are being extensively used by the researchers of neighboring Universities/Institutions/Laboratories either through collaboration/on payment basis.
Departmental Library has number of subject books and titles for promoting effective learning among students and research scholars. Students are encouraged to visit Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Central Library and utilize the facilities.
Power point presentation by using LCD, animated picture/movies related to concepts of physics, Material structures and virtual experiments etc., are shown to students for better understanding.
All teachers can access internet through their personal computers and engaging online classes on Microsoft Teams platform.
The department assesses its teaching, learning activities through the following:
• Accessibility of Course material to students, Student attendance, Regular monitoring of students performance, Assignments, Seminars and Debates.
• Remedial classes are organized to academically weak students based on their needs.
• Board of studies, Feedback and Self-appraisals & Academic audit, Periodic evaluation, internal assessment, Semester-end examinations, External valuation (Valuation & Viva-voce) and Transparency in evaluation.
• Student feedback on Teachers.
• Teachers are deputed for refresher and orientation courses.
• Prestigious DST’s INSPIRE Fellowship to the First Rank Students to pursue Ph.D. degree: 4.
• Ph.D. degree awardees from the department are currently working in various National and International Institutions and Laboratories.
• Successful M.Sc.(Physics) Post-Graduates of the department were placed in various institutions for teaching/perusing higher studies.
Physical Society of the department is regularly organizing series of lectures to the students and research scholars by inviting Eminent Professors/Scientists from reputed Institutions / Laboratories.
• As a part of service to society objective of the University, the department has conducted awareness programmes to the rural people on science and technology advancements.
• Organizing open house/science exhibitions to the secondary school students every year on the occasion of National Science Day and motivate them to pursue their higher education in science.
• To improve infrastructure and equipment facilities in the teaching/research laboratories of the department.
• To develop a Center of Excellence with advanced research facilities in the areas of Atmospheric Physics, Spectroscopy and Advanced Material Science.
• To organize Faculty Development Programs, Refresher Courses/Orientations Programs, Workshops to the Physics Teachers / Lecturers.
Prof. K. Krishna Reddy, P.I., Project Title: “Theoretical, Experimental and Modeling activities of "Semi-arid-zonal Atmospheric Research Centre (SARC)" Period of the Project: 2008-11 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: ISRO and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 90,00,000/-.
Prof. K.Krishna Reddy, P.I., Project Title: “Severe Thunderstorm – Observational and regional modeling over North Eastern India” Period of the Project: 2009-12 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: MoES and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 30,00,000/-.
Prof. K. Krishna Reddy, P.I., Project Title: “Operation and Maintenance of Village Information System” Period of the Project: 2009-12 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: APCOST and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 34,00,000/-.
Prof. Y. Nazeer Ahammad, P.I., ISRO-GBP:ARFI-YVU Network Project “Radiative forcing due to regional atmospheric aerosols at Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh” Sanctioned in the year 2010-11 and continuing till date, Sponsoring Agency: ISRO and Total Project Outlay till date: Rs.1,20,00,000/-.
Dr. V. Venkataramu, P.I., Project Title: “Optimization of structural and Luminescence properties of Ln3+-Yb+3 doped Lu3Ga5O12 nano-crytaline Garnets for the development of light emitting devices” Period of the Project: 2011-14 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DAE-BRNS and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 14,90,000/-.
Dr. V. Venkataramu, P.I., Project Title: “Optical properties of Rare-earth ions in solids at High pressure” Indo-Spain International Collaborative Project sanction No. PC12006-A7-0638, Sponsoring Agency is ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN), Spain, Period of the Project: 2008-11 (3 Years) and Total Project Outlay: 27,000 Euros.
Dr. Y.P. Venkata Subbaiah, P.I., Project Title: “Development of Low Cost and Environmentally Genuine Absorbing Material for thin film hetero junction solar cells” Period of the Project: 2010-13 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST (Fast Track) and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 20,00,000/-.
Dr. M. Raghavender, P.I., Project Title: “Fabrication of low cost nano crystalline TiO2 based dye sensitized solar cells” Period of the Project: 2012-15 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 21,33,000/-.
Dr. M. Raghavender, P.I., Project Title: “Fabrication of cost effective dye sensitized solar cells with platinum free counter electrode and bi-functional up conversion photo electrodes” Period of the Project: 2017-20 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 29,43,000/-.
Department of Physicsis having financial support from Department of Science and Technology, Government of India under “Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Higher Educational Institutions (FIST ) programme” Period of the Project: 2015-20 (5 Years), Total Project Outlay: Rs. 1,02,00,000/-.
Kadapa, Y.S.R Kadapa
Andhra Pradesh, India
Zip/Pin Code: 516005
+91 8562225419
I am indebted to the faculty of the University, who inculcated scientific temper and research aptitude and I think YVU is a happening place for qualitative research.
The academic ambience and infrastructure of the University are the hallmarks, I consider myself to be lucky to be here and I foresee a bright future in pursuit of Science.
Yogi Vemana University is certainly a hub for meaningful research activities. Research in social sciences here bears contemporary relevance and addresses societal problems.
Yogi Vemana University installed faith in me to explore new avenues in liberal arts which mates us more humane and civilized.