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Material Science & Nanotechnology

Material Science & Nanotechnology

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Year of Establishment


About the Department

The department of Materials Science and Nanotechnology was established in the year 2009 with a vision to promote education and research in the emerging areas of functional nanomaterials for energy, healthcare, environmental and biological applications. The department offers both M. Sc and Ph. D programmes in Material Science and Nanotechnology with well-designed curriculum and standards. With rich research expertise in India and abroad, the faculty members significantly contributing to the research growth of the University by publishing more than 200 articles in high impact journals. The department received research grants from funding agencies such as MNRE, DST, CSIR, UGC, DRDO-NRB etc. The department is always strives in establishing inter-departmental as well cross-institutional collaboration both at national and international level. Faculty members received several prestigious awards like UGC-Raman postdoctoral fellow, DST Young Scientist, Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, Andhra Pradesh government’s Scientist and Best Teacher award, Fellow of Indian Chemical Society and Academy of Sciences Chennai, etc. To promote research in cross-disciplinary areas, adjunct faculty members from institute of national importance were appointed in the year 2021. To promote sharing of knowledge and facilities, department has entered into MOUs with various higher educational institutions. In addition, department is equipped with infrastructure facilities like ICT-enabled classrooms, laboratories with modern amenities. The department hosts DST-Inspire fellows, CSIR-SRF, and project fellows for doctoral research. Students are encouraged to take internships with neighbouring Universities, institutions. As a part of curriculum students undertake project working during the 4th semester. The department’sproud alumni were working in national and international institutions in various capacities in teaching and research domains.


The admission into M. Sc (Materials Science and Nanotechnology) is based on a state level common entrance examination (APPGCET) conducted by Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE). The candidate should possess U. G with Physics and Mathematics. The question paper consists of 100 multiple choice questions covering prescribed syllabus in Physics at undergraduate level. For the admission into Ph. D programme also is based on a state level common entrance exam (APRCET) conducted by APSCHE. The applicant for Ph. D programme must studied M. Sc (Materials Science and Nanotechnology/Materials Science/Nanotechnology/Chemistry/Physics).


Department of Materials Science and Nanotechnology faculty have received several prestigious awards, few of which were listed below.
• Top 2% Most influential scientist in the world (Stanford University, USA and Elsevier).
• Ranked in Top 10,000 scientists in India by AD Scientific Index 2022.
• Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry.
• Raman postdoctoral fellow.
• AP Scientist Award.
• Fellow of Indian Chemical Society.
• Fellow of academy of sciences Chennai.
• DST Young scientist Award.
• AP Academy of Sciences Associate Fellow.
• Institute of Scholars Young Researcher Award.
• 32 members are pursued/pursuing research in reputed institutes like IIT-Madras, IIT-Bombay, IIT-Hyderabad, CSIR-CDRI Lucknow, CSIR-IICT Hyderabad, CSIR-NCL Pune, CSIR-CLRI Chennai, University of Hyderabad, Central University of Karnataka, CSIR-NEIST Jorhat, Pondicherry Central University, NISER Bhubaneswar, IISER Bhopal, IISER Thiruvananthapuram.
• Prathibha awards – Government of Andhra Pradesh – 11.
• Total Ph Ds awarded so far: 16 (Among them 10 members are working as Post Doctoral Fellows in countries like France, Czech Republic, Poland, South Korea, Qatar, China).
• DST – National Post Doctoral Fellows worked : 03.
• DST – INSPIRE Fellows received Ph. D : 01.
• DST – INSPIRE Fellows working for Ph. D : 03.
• Patents : 01.
• Number of Projects: 7 (Before 2017: 05, 2017-2021: 02).
• Ongoing Number of Ph.Ds: 12 (2017-2021).

Collaborations / Memorandum of Understanding

Department of Materials Science and nanotechnology is having Collaborations/ Memorandum of Understanding with the following,
1. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: Central Electro Chemical Research Institute (CSIR-CECRI), Karaikudi, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
2. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: Hindustan Institute of Technology and Sciences (HITS), Chennai, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
3. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: University of Madras, Chennai, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
4. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
5. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
6. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
7. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support 8. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: Pondicherry University, Puducherry, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
9. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: National Institute of Technology (NIT), Trichy, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
10. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: Vishveswaraya Technological University (VTU), Middenahalli, Bengaluru, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
11. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Anantapuramu, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support 12. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: Hyderabad Central University, Hyderabad, Telangana State, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
13. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: Jain University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
14. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Atsugi, JAPAN.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
15. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: SRM Research Institute, SRM-IST, Kattangulathur, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
16. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkuru, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
17. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: CNRS-European Laboratory for Catalysis, Strasbourg, France.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
18. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI), Hyderabad, Telangana State, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
19. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad, Telangana, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
20. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad, Telangana, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
21. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: KU Leuvin, Belgium
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
22. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: Dept of Biotechnology and Bio-informatics& Dept of Genetics and Genomics, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
23. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: Dept of Chemistry, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
24. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
25. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: KLE Technological University, Hubballi, Karnataka.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.
25. Name of the University / Institute / Laboratory: Sri Padmavati Mahila University, Titupati.
Purpose: Research Collaboration, Technical Support, Instrument support.


Laboratory Facilities for the M.Sc. (Materials Science & Nanotechnology) Students

• Polymeric Materials Laboratory.
• General Materials Science and Nanotechnology Laboratory.
• Properties of Materials Laboratory.
• Semiconductor Devices Laboratory.
• Nanocatalysis Laboratory.
• Nanomaterials Synthesis Laboratory.
• Energy conversion Laboratory.
• Physical Chemistry Laboratory.
• Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory.

Research Laboratories / Facilities

• Nanocatalysis and Solar Fuels Laboratory.
• Nanomaterials Laboratory.
The following facilities were established in the department for academic and research purpose.
• Particle Size analyzer: To measure the distribution of size range of the particles.
• Gas Chromatography: To quantify the amount of H2 and O2 generation.
• Solar Simulator: To artificially simulate the range of solar irradiation.
• Probe and Bath Sonicators.
• Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD): To synthesize various nanomaterials / nanocomposites.
• High Energy ball milling: To synthesize nanomaterials/nanocomposites.
• Custom made Pervaproation Set-up.
• Polymer synthesis set up.
• High speed centrifuge.
• DSSC device fabrication set up: DSSC device fabrication set up.
The research facilities of the department are being extensively used by the researchers of neighboring Universities/Institutions/Laboratories through collaboration.

Learning Resources: Departmental Library
Awards / Medals Received by the Student(s)

• Prestigious DST’s INSPIRE Fellowship to the First Rank Students to pursue Ph.D. degree: 4.
• Ph.D. degree awardees from the department are currently working in various National and International Institutions and Laboratories.
• Successful M.Sc. (Materials Science and Nanotechnology) post-Graduates of the department were placed in various institutions for teaching/perusing higher studies.

Seminars / Conference / Symposia / Workshops / Guest Lecturers Conducted: 5

Department is regularly organizing series of lectures to the students and research scholars by inviting Eminent Professors/Scientists from reputed Institutions /Laboratories.

Community and Extension Activities

Students of Yogi Vemana University have participated in various community and extension Activities through N.S.S, Ramakrishna Matt, National Events Cell, Foundation day celebrations, etc.

Future Plans and Activities

1. Design and development of a suitable course in analogy with the Materials/nanoindustry which can be offered as optional subject/open certificate course for any student to opt which enables them with the skills required of the industry and hence can securely place them for jobs.
•Certificate course on Introduction to Nanoscience.
• Certificate course on Nanomaterials for Health applications.
• Diploma Course on Synthesis of Nanomaterials.
• Diploma course on Entrepreneurship in Nanotechnology.
2. Invite different young entrepreneurs and to motivate the students by their pathbreaking journey.
3. Enhancing the consultancy projects by the department faculty from local industries to MNCs.
4 Increasing the interaction with Industries therby directly carrying out the solving of minor problems in industry as PG dissertations.

Funded Projects

P.I: Prof. M.V. Shankar, Department of Materials Science & Nano-technology, “Development of semi-conductor nanocomposites for Photocatalytic water splitting into Hydrogen and Oxygen under Solar light irradiation” Period of the Project: 2011-14 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: MNRE and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 36,39,591/-.

P.I: Dr. B. Vijaya Kumar Naidu, Department of Materials Science & Nano-technology, “Hydrophilic-Hydrophobic based Polymeric Membranes for Pervapo-ration Separation Applications” Period of the Project: 2011-14 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST (Fast track) and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 17,64,000/-.

P.I: Dr. B. Vijaya Kumar Naidu, Department of Materials Science & Nao-Technology, “Nanostructured TiO2 Incorporated Polymer Nanocomposite Membranes for Pervaporation Separation Applications” Period of the Project: 2013-16 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 5,50,356/-.

P.I: Dr. S. Adinarayana Reddy, Department of Materials Science & Nano Technology, “Development of Nano-adsorbents for the removal of heavy metal ions from waste water streams” Period of the Project: 2013-16 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 8,53,800/-.

P.I: Dr. M. Mamatha Kumari, Department of Materials Science & Nano Technology, “Synthesis, Characterization and photocatalytic efficacy of Carbon nanotube-TiO2 nanohybrid for enhanced hydrogen production under solar irradiation” Period of the Project: 2015-18 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 13,85,000/-.

P.I: Prof.M.V.Shankar, Department of Materials Science & Nano – Technology, “Hierarchical Composite Nanostructure Photocatalysts for Efficient Water Splitting under Solar Light Irradiation” Period of the Project: 2016-19 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: MNRE and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 36,39,591/-.

P.I: Dr. M. Mamatha Kumari, Department of Materials Science & Nano-Technology,“ Nano-Ferrites/Tungstites and Carbon Nanotubes Composites for Efficient Hydrogen Production by Solar Water Splitting” Period of the Project: 2017-20 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DRDO-NRB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 17,35,925/-

P.I: Dr. M. Mamatha Kumari, Department of Materials Science & Nano-Technology, “A new archetype for development of Flexible Nano Hybrid Supercapacitor for large scale electric energy storage with high performance” Period of the Project: 2019-22 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 41,84,796/-.

P.I: Dr. M. Mamatha Kumari, Department of Materials Science & Nano-Technology, “Sophisticated flexible super capacitor for high energy storage applications based on nanaometrials” Period of the Project: 2020-23 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SEED and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 44,07,868/-.

  • Head
    Department of Materials Science and Nanotechnology
    Yogi Vemana University

    Kadapa, Y.S.R Kadapa

    Andhra Pradesh, India

    Zip/Pin Code: 516005

  • +91 8562225419

  • --

Programme Info

  • M.Sc 2 Years
  • Ph.D Full & Part Time
  • Faculty Regular 05
  • Academic Consultants 00
  • Awards 20+
  • Student Intake 32
Are you interested? Enroll Now

What they say?


I am indebted to the faculty of the University, who inculcated scientific temper and research aptitude and I think YVU is a happening place for qualitative research.

Anand Kumar
Ph.D. in Biotechnology

The academic ambience and infrastructure of the University are the hallmarks, I consider myself to be lucky to be here and I foresee a bright future in pursuit of Science.

Shaik Fasiha Begam
M.Sc. in Physics

Yogi Vemana University is certainly a hub for meaningful research activities. Research in social sciences here bears contemporary relevance and addresses societal problems.

Varikunta Sailaja
Ph.D. in English

Yogi Vemana University installed faith in me to explore new avenues in liberal arts which mates us more humane and civilized.

Karanam Saiteja