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Year of Establishment


About Department

The Department of Microbiology was started at the erstwhile S.V.U.P.G. Centre, Kadapa in the academic year 2005-2006 and has been offering M. Sc course in Microbiology in four semesters and Ph. D degree in Microbiology. The department main objective is to produce high quality academic and research professionals in the innovation areas of Microbiology which benefits for the society.
The department has been updating its curriculum of P.G course periodically to give adequate training to the students in the areas of Industrial & Medical Microbiology, Molecular biology, Bioinformatics, Agricultural, Environmental & Genetic Engineering etc.
The department is also keen on updating and promoting different areas Virology, Immunology, enzyme kinetics, degradation studies and also functional proteomics and genomics of microbial in general, Environmental, Medical & Agricultural in particular.
The department laboratory is well equipped to meet the requirements of M.Sc. course and research activities. The department of Microbiology obtained 100% results from the inception.


• Department of Microbiology faculty has successfully completed research projects funded by funding agencies such as DST/CSIR/DBT/UGC/Agri-Science project and considerable number of projects are under progress.


Laboratory Facilities for the M.Sc. (Microbiology) Students

• General microbiology Laboratory.
• UV-Vis Spectrophotometer.
• Laminar airflow.
• Cooling centrifuge.
• Binocular microscope.
• Double distillation unit.
• BOD Incubator.
• Transilluminator.
• SDS Phase unit.
• Western blot unit.
• Orbital Shaking incubator.

Research Laboratories / Facilities

• Anaerobic Work Station.
• 3 L Fermenter.
• UV-Vis Spectrophotometer.
• PCR.
• ELISA reader.
• CO2 incubator.
• Orbital Cooling shaking incubator.
• BOD.
The research facilities of the department are being extensively used by the researchers of neighboring Universities/Institutions/Laboratories either through collaboration/on payment basis.

Learning Resources: Departmental Library
Awards / Medals Received by the Student(s)

• Dr. A.P.J. Abdul kalam Vidya Puraskar (Pratibha Award) received by the students:04.
• Prestigious DST’s INSPIRE Fellowship to the First Rank Students to pursue Ph.D. degree: 01.
• Ph.D. degree awardees from the department are currently working in various National and International Institutions and Laboratories.
• Successful M.Sc.(Microbiology) Post-Graduates of the department were placed in various institutions for teaching/perusing higher studies.

Seminars / Conference / Symposia / Workshops / Guest Lecturers Conducted: 04
Funded Projects

P.I: Dr. L.Veeranjaneya Reddy, Department of Microbiology, “Biotechnological production of Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol from Agricultural waste using clostribiam Solventogenic bacteria” Period of the Project: 2010-13 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST (Fast Track) and Total Project Outlay: Rs.20,00,000/-.

P.I: Dr. D. Vijaya Lakshmi & Prof. D. Vijaya Raghava Prasad (Co-PI), Department of Microbiology, “Microbial consortia for effective decolorisation and degradation of Anthraquinone dyes” Period of the Project: 2012-15 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DBT and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 32,21,600/-.

P.I: Dr. D. Vijaya Lakshmi & Prof. D. Vijaya Raghava Prasad (Co-PI), Department of Microbiology, “Detection and evaluation of Candida spp in oral infection of diabetic subjects by molecular genetic methods” Period of the Project: 2013-16 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 11,60,800/-.

  • Vemanapuram

    Kadapa, Y.S.R Kadapa

    Andhra Pradesh, India

    Zip/Pin Code: 516005

  • +91 8562225419

  • --

Programme Info

  • M.Sc 2 Years
  • Ph.D Full & Part Time
  • Faculty Regular 04
  • Academic Consultants 02
  • Awards 20+
  • Student Intake 38
Are you interested? Enroll Now

What they say?


I am indebted to the faculty of the University, who inculcated scientific temper and research aptitude and I think YVU is a happening place for qualitative research.

Anand Kumar
Ph.D. in Biotechnology

The academic ambience and infrastructure of the University are the hallmarks, I consider myself to be lucky to be here and I foresee a bright future in pursuit of Science.

Shaik Fasiha Begam
M.Sc. in Physics

Yogi Vemana University is certainly a hub for meaningful research activities. Research in social sciences here bears contemporary relevance and addresses societal problems.

Varikunta Sailaja
Ph.D. in English

Yogi Vemana University installed faith in me to explore new avenues in liberal arts which mates us more humane and civilized.

Karanam Saiteja