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YVU Health Centre

YVU Health Centre

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Dr. S. Naresh Kumar Reddy

Medical officer


The yogi Vemana university health centre established in the year 2006. The health centre is proving services round the clock to the
• Students
• Research scholar’s
• Y.V.U employs & their family of employs.

Sanitation and Hygiene Details

Students, teaching and non-teaching staff in all departments are provided information on general sanitation and hygienic measures like keeping hands clean by washing thoroughly with soap and water. Use of alcohol based sanitizers or alcohol based gels has been given to all departments inside the campus. Also instructed them not to have food in the laboratory.
University has provided good hygiene green serene atmosphere having lush of trees, gardens, in campus. Good sanitization facilities are made to all stakeholders of university by providing safe water (RO water), latrines and rest rooms to all departments inside campus. This makes high impact for further beneficial effects like healthy environment facilitate more effective learning.
All these hygiene conditions in entire campus including health centre, hostels, departments, etc are supervised by our established engineering section of university.
At present, the hygiene conditions are maintaining in the university health centre by cleaning and swabbing with phenolics daily. Bed cloth are changing daily. Safe drinking water facility is also maintained. Two restrooms are available in the health centre for staff and patients in centre and maintained hygiene regularly.
Recently university has applied for sanitation certificate which will be obtained from the District Health Administration.

Medical Staff

Medical Officer and staff

1. Medical officer.
2. Staff nurse (Male).
3. Staff nurse (Female).
4. Junior assistant.
5. Pharmacists.
6. Lab technician.
7. Dresser.
8. Two RMPs.
9. Compounder.
10. Attenders.
11. Three drivers for ambulance round the clock.


Medical Advisory Committee

To look over or supervise all the health services in health centre, the university is appointing a Coordinator from the regular faculty of Yogi Vemana University Campus, Kadapa. At present Dr. V. Ramakrishna, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology & Bioinformatics, Yogi Vemana University is the Coordinator and in-charge for the University Health Centre. The Honourable Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, Principal and other officers are regularly monitoring the activities of university health centre.

Financial Assistance

The university is giving financial assistance the purchase of medicines at present the university is grating Rs.50,000/- per month for procuring all the required medicines to maintain basic health facility in the YVU campus.

Outpatient Details

The health centre is having on and average OP per day is 50 to 60. During seasonal diseases it may be rising up to 100. The campus is facilitating nearly 2000 students in hostels, and during office hours the total strength of university people (faculty and students) is nearly 3500. The health staff is available in the health centre for 24X7 in service for treatment of patients with ambulance. As this health centre is a primary health care centre and treats the patients who are having mild diseases, if it is in severe and emergency, the patients are immediately shifted to RIMS, Kadapa for better treatment. Outpatient register is maintained in the health centre with all the details of patients and treatments with the supply of drugs.

First Aid Details

FIRST AID is the first and immediate assistance given to any person suffer from minor or serious illness. This will provide to preserve life, prevent worsening of disease, and promote recovery and relief to the patient. The FIRST AID Kit is having all items like gloves, eye protection, CPR pocket mask, tourniquet, roller gauze, pads, medical taps, triangular bandages, Sam splint, elastic bandage, trauma shears, antiseptic solution, antibiotic ointment, H2O2, cotton, alcohol based spirit, saline, etc.

Treatment Details

The university health centre is staffed and equipped for general treatment for the students and faculty of university. In severe and emergency cases ambulance services will be provided to shift patient to specialized hospitals like RIMS, Kadapa.
General treatment facility is available in university campus for the patients who are having the following symptoms like fever, cough, cold, motions, stomach pain, body pains, period’s problems, vomiting, pulse down, gas troubles, migraines, etc.
The drugs/medicines will be provided to all the patients free of cost.

Medical and Therapy Details

All the medical treatment performing by qualified Medical Officer and supporting staff with diagnosing the disease, prescription of medications, etc. The university health centre is following allopathic medicine treatment with medical doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other licensed medical practitioners. Treatment is done with medication. Allopathy treatment provides much faster recovery as compared with Ayurveda and Homeo medicine. For some treatments also suggested Ayurvedic medicines.

Facilities Available at University Health Centre

• Clinical lab.
• Ambulance facility.
• E.C.G.
• Bio –chemical lab.
• Minor surgical procedure.
• Basic life support Ambulance facility round the clock.
• Immunization for covid-19, T.T, Rabies.
• Free medical drugs with annual budget of 6 lakhs Rupees.
• Out- patient clinic with separate male ward & female ward with newly 16 beds Health centre.

Blood Donation, Medical, and Any Other Camps Organised

University health centre is regularly involving in conducting blood camps along with NSS inside the campus. It is also organizing medical camps in university for nearby villagers and also supply few general medicines. Recently the university health centre is also distributed free food materials and vegetables to the poor villagers during COVID-19 by sponsoring of Dr Reddy Murad. Blood donation camps held with Indian Red Cross Society, and also with RIMS, Kadapa.


Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Kadapa is Government General Hospital is the nearest Government district hospital where all emergency and severe cases will be treated on free service. University health centre treats patients only having general and mild diseases, and for severe and emergency cases immediately shifting to RIMS, Kadapa or for corporate hospitals in Kadapa through our ambulance. The university is having MOU with RIMS, Kadapa since 2008.

To be updated..


• Services are made available to patient including of the teaching and nonteaching staff members on free of cost.
• The retired employs and the pensioner’s family members are also eligible for O.P and I.P in the ward on free of cost.
• The ambulance services facility has been provided at YVU health centre .All the emergency cases are transported to the Rajeev Gandhi institute medical sciences , Kadapa within 15 to 20 minutes
• Y.V.U health centre will conduct the Medical campus and blood donation campus at the villages around the Y.V.U campus.
• Provides compressive primary health centre through health centres and maintaining an acceptable standards of quality of care.
• 24 hours emergency services with appropriate management of injuries and accident, first aid, stabilization of the condition of patient before referral dog bite, snake bite, scorpion bite cases.
• New YVU Health centre is having in patient services with well Infrastructure.
• Minimum basic laboratory investigations such as
1. Routine urine & blood tests.
2. Diagnosis of RIT /SIDS with gram stain.
3. Blood smear examination for malaria parasite.
4. Rapid test for pregnancy.
5. Rapid test for typhoid & malaria.
• Education about health –Nutrition and health counselling.
• Nutrition services-diagnosis and management of mal nutrition , Anaemia and Vit-A deficiency.
• Collection and reporting of vital events.
• Promotion of sanitation including use of toilet and appropriate garbage disposal.
• In recent days after pandemic of covid-19, health centre started Covid-19 vaccination programs for student and staff at frequent intervals and usage of mask and sanitizer within the campus premises are made compulsory.

Important Info

  • Sample Analysis Yes
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What they say?


I am indebted to the faculty of the University, who inculcated scientific temper and research aptitude and I think YVU is a happening place for qualitative research.

Anand Kumar
Ph.D. in Biotechnology

The academic ambience and infrastructure of the University are the hallmarks, I consider myself to be lucky to be here and I foresee a bright future in pursuit of Science.

Shaik Fasiha Begam
M.Sc. in Physics

Yogi Vemana University is certainly a hub for meaningful research activities. Research in social sciences here bears contemporary relevance and addresses societal problems.

Varikunta Sailaja
Ph.D. in English

Yogi Vemana University installed faith in me to explore new avenues in liberal arts which mates us more humane and civilized.

Karanam Saiteja