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Dr. B. Reddaiah

Dr. B. Reddiah
Associate Professor

M.E., Ph.D.
Department of Computer Science and Technology
Yogi Vemana University
Andhra Pradesh, India.

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Ph.D. (2015) – Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, India.

PDF/Teaching Experience

• Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA: 21th Jul 2021 to till date.
• Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA: 21stJul. 2009 – 20th Jul 2022.

Administrative Experience

• Head (Feb 2023 to till date): Department of Computer Science and Technology, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
• Coordinator (Jul. 2022 ~ Feb 2023): Department of Computer Science and Technology, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
• University Nodal Officer (19.01.2022 to till date): Microsoft Up skilling Programme by APSCHE, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
• Coordinator (May, 2021 to till date): Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Central Library, Yogi Vemana University, Kadpa, Andhra Pradesh.
• Program Officer (PO) (09.12.2020 ~ 01.05.2023): National Service Scheme (NSS), Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
• Member, (05.09.2020 to till date) Counseling and Guidance cell, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
• Coordinator (30.01.2018 to till date): SWAYAM, Yogi Vemana university, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
• Member, Board of Studies for UG and PG courses, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
• Warden (March, 2017 to till date): Yogi Vemana University Men’s Hostels, Yogi Vemana University, Kadpa, Andhra Pradesh.
• Coordinator (08.09.2017 ~12.02.2020): College Development Council (CDC), Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
• Coordinator (26.09.2017 ~10.02.2020): Department of Computer Applications, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, INDIA.
• Coodinator (08.12.2009 ~07.12.2010): Controller of Examinations (Arts), Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, INDIA.

Research Projects


Research Students

Ph.D Pursuing: 06
• Mr. Battala Guru Prasad (Full-time research scholar from Aug 2020).
• Mr. Jajala Kiran Kumar (Part-time research scholar from Aug 2020).
• Mr. Mudigoti Hari (Part-time research scholar from Aug 2020).
• Smt. D. Radhika (Part-time research scholar/EMR Category from Dec 2021).
• Mr. B. Vamsi Krishna (Part-time research scholar/EMR Category from May 2023).
• Ms. Sailaja P.S. (Part-time research scholar/EMR Category from May 2023).

Research Publications in National & International SCI Journals : 33

Google Scholar Citations: Visit here

Number of Book Chapters (National / International) : 03

Number of Books Published (National / International) : 01

Number of Conference / Symposia/Seminar Organized: 01

Number of Conference / Symposia Attended: 05

Hybrid Private and Public Key cryptosystems for Privacy and Reliability:
Development of Hybrid cryptosystems that combine private key (symmetric) and public key (asymmetric) cryptography are commonly used to achieve a balance between privacy and reliability in cryptographic operations. These systems leverage the strengths of both types of encryptions to provide secure and efficient communication and data protection.
- Efficiency: Symmetric encryption is faster and more efficient for data encryption and decryption. Using it for bulk of the encryption process and improve performance.
- Security: encryptions to provide secure method for exchanging symmetric keys, as only the intended recipient can decrypt messages encrypted with their public key.
- Flexibility: The hybrid approach allows for a combination of strong security and efficient processing, adapting to the specific needs of the communication or data protection scenario.


Scrum framework / Process Model in Project Development
The research on AGILE – SCRUM is gaining more prominence as the software industry from the past decade is hugely using Scrum as framework for software project development. The research focus on Agile - Scrum and its role in software project development. The research on Scrum also includes improving the abilities of the framework to increase the success rate of projects that are developed.

  • Dr. Buduri Reddaiah, M.C.A, M.E, Ph. D
    Associate Professor
    Department of Computer Science and Technology
    YOGI VEMANA UNIVERSITY, Kadapa – 516 005
    Y.S.R District, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.

  • +91 9000601602


What they say?


I am indebted to the faculty of the University, who inculcated scientific temper and research aptitude and I think YVU is a happening place for qualitative research.

Anand Kumar
Ph.D. in Biotechnology

The academic ambience and infrastructure of the University are the hallmarks, I consider myself to be lucky to be here and I foresee a bright future in pursuit of Science.

Shaik Fasiha Begam
M.Sc. in Physics

Yogi Vemana University is certainly a hub for meaningful research activities. Research in social sciences here bears contemporary relevance and addresses societal problems.

Varikunta Sailaja
Ph.D. in English

Yogi Vemana University installed faith in me to explore new avenues in liberal arts which mates us more humane and civilized.

Karanam Saiteja