Timings : Monday to Saturay - 10 AM to 5 PM
Department of Biotechnology has Three (3) regular faculty members having strong research experience in India and abroad .There are four (4) Academic Consultants with good qualifications, experience and teaching skills. The Supporting staff consists of one (1) Junior Assistant, one (1) Laboratory Assistants and (1) Office subordinate are working in the department. The Departmental faculty has to their credits 71 numbers of publications and articles in Journals of National and International repute. The Faculty has successfully guided 4 Ph.D. scholars and currently 6 research scholars are pursuing research in the department.
The Department of Biotechnology is involved in active research mainly in frontier areas of Functional Genomics, Molecular Genetics and Plant Molecular biology. Work is in progress, for dissecting the genetically controlled and very important complex trait of drought tolerance, Root architecture using different Bioinformatics, Functional Genomic and Molecular Genetics approaches. Department is also engaged in developing different transgenic approaches to improve photosynthesis under Abiotic stress conditions in agronomically important crops with regional relevance.
Department is actively involved in molecular genetics characterization of minor millets. Minor millets or small millets are often termed “coarse grains” belonging to family Poaceae and often called as underutilized and under researched plant species but with local importance as a source of good food. Keeping in view, Department of Biotechnology is actively engaged in study on collection of local land races Small Millets in General and Foxtail Millet, Brown Top Millet, Proso Millet, in particular from local farmer fields; and characterize them at molecular genetics (Variety of Markers as well advanced NGS and Whole Genome Sequencing methods), Pysiological and Biochemical levels for multiple stresses to identify superior genotypes with novel alleles, employment of these novel genotypes as Parental lines for Mapping Population development, Linkage Map construction and QTL identification.
Apart from the active research in understanding drought tolerance trait and improving Abiotic stress tolerance capacity of agronomically important crops, our Department has collaboration with Intra Schools and inter Departmental, mainly working on identification and formulating the active components in some important local flora with medicinal value in long go. Discussions are in progress with other Departments, Schools of Life Sciences in other Universities and Institutions to collaborate in various aspects in areas of Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering and Molecular Medicine.
Laboratory Facilities for the M.Sc. (Biotechnology) Students
• Electrophoresis Units
• Double Beam Spectrophotometer
• Cooling Centrifuges
• Double Distillation Plants
• pH Meters
• Autoclave
• Incubators Shaker
• Magnetic Stirrer
• Freezers
• Microscopes
• Laminar Airflow
Research Laboratories / Facilities
• High Speed CentrifugeExcellent Foreign Editions in the field of Genetic Engineering, Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Genetics, Immunology, Computational Biology and Recombinant DNA Technology etc., are available to the Departmental students (Maintained in the Departmental Library and also in University Central Library).
• Prestigious DST’s INSPIRE Fellowship to the First Rank Students to pursue Ph.D. degree: 3.
• Prestigious RGNF Fellowships to the Students to pursue Ph.D. degree: 2.
• Students cleared SLET (State Lecture Eligibility Test): 11.
• Ph.D. degree awardees from the department are currently working in various Institutions and Laboratories.
• Successful M.Sc.(Biotechnology) Post-Graduates of the department were placed in various institutions for teaching/perusing higher studies.
Department of Biotechnology is regularly organizing series of lectures to the students and research scholars by inviting Eminent Professors/Scientists from reputed Institutions/Laboratories.
• To develop trained manpower in the areas of Genetic Engineering, Molecular Genetics, Microbial & Industrial Biotechnology, Plant Biotechnology and Animal Biotechnology.
• To carry out prime research in the different areas of Plant Biotechnology and Functional Genomics, stress biology with emphasis on drought tolerance in crop plants, cereals and small millets with regional relevance..
• Bioprospecting and Bioassay of medicinal plants, Bio-pesticides, Bio-fertilizers, and Bio-fuels.
• To impart training to graduate teachers in modern techniques of Biotechnology and to conduct extension Programmes for farmers, to develop awareness on modern agriculture methods and practices.
P.I: Dr. A. Chandrsekhar, Department of Biotechnology, “Molecular Mapping of Tobacco streak Virus resistant Gene in sunflower” Period of the Project: 2009-12 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: Vibha Agrotech Pvt., Ltd., and Total Project Outlay: Rs.5,00,000/-.
P.I: Dr.A.Chandra Sekhar & Dr.Puli Chandra Obul Reddy, Department of Biotechnology, “Physiological and Molecular Basis of Drought Tolerance in Landraces of Foxtail Millet (Setaria italic L.): Mapping Population Development, Evaluation and QTL Identification” Period of the Project: 2019-22 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 51,88,832/-.
Kadapa, Y.S.R Kadapa
Andhra Pradesh, India
Zip/Pin Code: 516005
+91 8562225419
I am indebted to the faculty of the University, who inculcated scientific temper and research aptitude and I think YVU is a happening place for qualitative research.
The academic ambience and infrastructure of the University are the hallmarks, I consider myself to be lucky to be here and I foresee a bright future in pursuit of Science.
Yogi Vemana University is certainly a hub for meaningful research activities. Research in social sciences here bears contemporary relevance and addresses societal problems.
Yogi Vemana University installed faith in me to explore new avenues in liberal arts which mates us more humane and civilized.