Timings : Monday to Saturay - 10 AM to 5 PM

    Scan & Share Ideas for the Vision VIKSIT BHARAT @ 2047

Prof. K. Krishna Reddy

Vice Chancellor


Inauguration of National Seminar


Opening of New
Canteen - "OASIS"


Inauguration of Senate Hall


Achieved India's 269 rank and world's 4010 rank in 19526 Universities


Hon'ble VC
Prof. Chinta
Sudhakar with
Prof. Jagdeesh
Chairman UGC
at AP Higher
Planning Board

01-02, July 2023

Hon'ble VC
Prof. Chinta
Sudhakar with
Prof. Hemachandra
Chairman APSCHE
at AP Higher
Planning Board

01-02, July 2023

Website Launched for Department of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science & Technology, Psychology, Earth Sciences, Food Technology and Botany by Hon'ble VC Prof. Chinta Sudhakar


Website Launched for Department of Biotechnology & Bioinformatics, Genetics & Genomics, Microbiology, and Environmental Sciences by Hon'ble VC Prof. Chinta Sudhakar


NSS clean and green campus around Sir C.V.Raman Science Building


Website Launched for Department of Economics, Journalism, Physical Education & Sports Sciences, History & Archeology, Political Science & Public Administration by Hon'ble VC Prof. Chinta Sudhakar


Launching websites for Dept of Telugu, English, Urdu, & Fine Arts by Honourable Vice-Chancellor Prof.Chinta Sudhakar


International Yoga Day 2023 at YVU


Unveiling of Elevated Yogi Vemana Statue


Launching YVU Central Library Website by Hon'ble Vice Chancellor Prof. Chinta Sudhakar


International Environment Day Celebrated at YVU


Honorable Vice-Chancellor, Registrar and Principal Planting Tree Sapling at Botanical Garden


Launching IT & Networking Cell refurbished Website by Hon'ble Vice Chancellor Prof Chinta Sudhakar


YVU weightlifter Mr Ravisenkar 81 kg weight category has bagged the bronze medal in the India inter University competitions


Bronze medal winner Bornali of YV University, Kadapa under 49 kg category in Khelo India Inter-University competitions held at Utter Pradesh


Submission of AQAR 2021-2022 to NAAC by Hon'ble Vice Chancellor Prof Chintha Sudhakar


Honourable Vice-Chancellor Prof.Chinta Sudhakar launched New Online Application for Certificate Genuinity


Honble Vice-Chancellor Prof. Chinta Sudhakar Launched New website for Botanical Garden


Dr. Hlaing Hlaing Myint (Miss), Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Monywa University, Myanmar, has completed ASEAN-India Research Training Fellowship (AIRTF) (DST) during the period 01-10-2022 to 02-03-2023 under the mentorship of Dr K.S.V. Krishna Rao at Department of Chemistry, Yogi Vemana University, KADAPA



Honourable Vice chancellor
Prof. Chinta Sudhakar greets
Sri KKN Anburajan, IPS,
Superintendent of Police,
YSR District in the presence
of Registrar Prof. Y.P.
Venkata Subbaiah



Hon'ble Vice Chancellor visiting
of new administrative building

Honble Vice-Chancellor Prof. Chinta Sudhakar planting tree in Botanical Garden


Shri Justice S. Abdul Nazeer

Hon'ble Governor of Andhra Pradesh and Chancellor

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YVU-Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) Online Application - Click Here



Research Highlights

Scopus / Web of Science / UGC CARE Listed Journal Publications

Article Clip

Dr. P. Saritha Department of Business Management, has reviewed the The paper is a detailed study on variety of topics related to social entrepreneurship, including the conceptual framework and process of social entrepreneurship. This research paper also includes various challenges faced by social entrepreneurs and puts forwards its recommendations to improve the overall situation of social entrepreneurship / entrepreneurs in India. It further discusses the concepts like social needs and social innovations from entrepreneurship’s point of view. At last, how social entrepreneurship can change or impact on the social setup and social fiber in India. This review has been published in journal, Education and Society (Vol.47, Issue-1, No.6, Jan-March, 2023, pp.13-22).
Impact factor: NA
Full Article - Print Journal

Article Clip

Gurulakshmi Maddala, Raghavender Mitty Department of Physics, has published a research paper "Fabrication of bifacial photocapacitor (PC) by integrate the dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) with supercapacitor (SC) and its module demonstrated champion power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 19.71%. Illumination of a light emitting diode (LED) is demonstrated with discharge of the developed PC." This research has been published in journal, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2021, 4, 11225−11233.
Impact factor: 6.959
Full Article - NA

Article Clip

Dr. P. Saritha Department of Business Management, has reviewed the A framework has been developed to assign a score to the countries based on their performance with respect to the targets. India ranked 121 among the 163 countries as per 2022 SDG report. Out of 17 goals India has achieved its target in only two aspects, and there is a long way to go. The present work focuses mostly on Emerging economies BRICS countries sustainable development scores with respect to the score and rank of India. This research has been published in journal, Education and Society (Vol.47, Issue-1, No.6, Jan-March, 2023, pp.113-120).
Impact factor: NA
Full Article - Print Journal

Article Clip

Dr. P. Saritha Department of Business Management, has reviewed the Traffic police is an important department within the police force all over the world. They are indeed the most ubiquitous unit within the police department.The roles and duties of the traffic police a specialized police unit charged with the responsibility of maintaining law and order within our road transport systems. This is as very wide scope of responsibility. This paper examines the roles of traffic police. The paper will also explore whether or not there be any responsibility to expand their roles. This review has been published in journal, Education and Society (Vol.47, Issue-1, No.6, Jan-March, 2023, pp.181-185).
Impact factor: NA
Full Article - Print Journal

Article Clip

Dr. P. Saritha Department of Business Management, has reviewed the The study is to identify socio-economic vulnerabilities faced by rural India and also to study the importance of banking services for the upliftment of weaker section in rural India. This research has been published in journal, Education and Society (Vol.12, Issue-1, No.2, Jan-June, 2023, pp.191-198).
Impact factor: NA
Full Article - Print Journal

Article Clip

Dr. P. Saritha Department of Business Management, has reviewed the The paper is a detailed study on variety of topics related to social entrepreneurship, including the conceptual framework and process of social entrepreneurship. This research paper also includes various challenges faced by social entrepreneurs and puts forwards its recommendations to improve the overall situation of social entrepreneurship / entrepreneurs in India. It further discusses the concepts like social needs and social innovations from entrepreneurship’s point of view. At last, how social entrepreneurship can change or impact on the social setup and social fiber in India. This review has been published in journal, Education and Society (Vol.47, Issue-1, No.6, Jan-March, 2023, pp.13-22).
Impact factor: NA
Full Article - Print Journal

Article Clip

Dr. K. Venkateswarlu and Dr. K. S. V. Krishna Rao and their team of Department of Chemistry reviewed the structural peculiarities and electronic properties of g-C3N4, design strategies for efficient photocatalytic g-C3N4-derived materials for H2 evolution, and the significance and current benchmarking progress in functional g-C3N4 material-aided photocatalytic H2 production. This review has been published in journal, Nano Energy (an Elsevier Journal) (Nano Energy, 2023, 111, 108402, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2023. 108402).
Impact factor: 19.069
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Article Clip

Prof. K.Raghu babu and his team, B.Pradeep Kumar, B.N. Anusha, and P.Padmisree has published a research article on Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI) were mapped through ERDAS & Arc GIS, to identify Thermal Comfort Zones (TCZs) in semi arid regions of Andhra Pradesh, South India, in Journal of Cleaner Production (ELSEVIER). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.jclepro.2023.137175.
Impact factor: 11.07
Full Article - Read More

Article Clip

Dr. G. Kathyayani has published a research article on Evaluation By Using Anonymization Method of Privacy Preservation Techniques With An Efficient Approach And A Systematic Comparison, in Education and Society.
Impact factor: 6.718
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NAAC Peer Team Visit (2022) - 2nd Cycle

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What they say?


I am indebted to the faculty of the University, who inculcated scientific temper and research aptitude and I think YVU is a happening place for qualitative research.

Anand Kumar
Ph.D. in Biotechnology

The academic ambience and infrastructure of the University are the hallmarks, I consider myself to be lucky to be here and I foresee a bright future in pursuit of Science.

Shaik Fasiha Begam
M.Sc. in Physics

Yogi Vemana University is certainly a hub for meaningful research activities. Research in social sciences here bears contemporary relevance and addresses societal problems.

Varikunta Sailaja
Ph.D. in English

Yogi Vemana University installed faith in me to explore new avenues in liberal arts which mates us more humane and civilized.

Karanam Saiteja